I eat eggs for breakfast five or six times a week. Usually Egg Beaters, to be specific, piled on piece of whole wheat bread with a thin layer of sugar-free jam. I like to start my day with a substantial, healthy breakfast, high in protein and low in sugar. Aside from eggs, there aren’t a whole lot of other choices. Please let me know if there’s a huge/obvious food group out there that I’m not thinking of!
But sometimes the monotony gets to me. Plus, I LOVE a good, real egg with a runny yolk. Enter, this super-quick, make-this-even-if-you-hit-snooze-too-many-times, breakfast recipe. The protein still comes from eggs, but it’s different enough from my usual routine that I don’t feel fried. (Get it? I know… I don’t have a future in stand-up.)

Eggs Baked in Avocado
- 4 avocados
- 8 eggs
- 2 limes cut in half
- 2 bell peppers diced
- Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
- Chopped cilantro optional
- Warm flour or corn tortillas
Adjust oven rack to middle position and preheat to 450°F. Line a baking sheet with foil and lightly spray with cooking spray.
Cut each avocado in half and remove the pit. Using a spoon, scrape out the center of each halved avocado so that it is large enough to accommodate an egg (about 1 1/2 tablespoons). Squeeze lime juice over the avocados and season with salt, then place on baking sheet. Break an egg into the center of each avocado. Don’t worry if some of the white spills out as long as the yolk is intact.
Spread the diced bell peppers in an thin layer on the same baking sheet to allow for cooking as the avocados are in the oven.
Bake in the oven until whites are set and yolk is runny, about 10 to 12 minutes.
Remove from oven and garnish with cilantro and cooked bell peppers. Serve with tortillas.
What I liked: SO QUICK and SO EASY! Set the oven to preheat, hop in the shower, put the egg-avocado in the oven, do your make-up, then EAT. High in protein and healthy fats, low in sugar. And a good way to sneak some veggies in with breakfast.
What I did differently: Instead of sprinkling the avocado with raw, diced chili peppers, I diced some baby bells and cooked them on the same baking sheet as the egg-avocado. Next time I’ll do a bigger portion of bells and maybe add some mushrooms to the mix. And maybe cook another egg on the side for more protein!
The BBF’s rating: Sadly, the BBF doesn’t get to taste everything I make. Especially early morning dishes.
My rating: 4/5 stars. The first bite was strange. I’ve never had a warm avocado. Bite two was better. And I enjoyed bites three through twenty!
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