You guysssss. I’ve been gone so long, I don’t even know where to start. I don’t even remember how to blog. Like… what do I write about?
I guess food is a pretty safe subject.
But do I want to be SAFE? Or do I want to live write on the edge?
Telling food stories, one kitchen at a time
Honestly though. A tailgate slider doesn’t need to be this fancy. You could very easily make the meat patties, melt some cheese on top, throw it on a little bun, and just add ketchup.
That’s how I ate the thing on Saturday and it was about the most fantastic slider I’ve ever tasted. I mean, heavenly. Like, I closed my eyes and lifted by face toward the heavens and smiled as tears of joyful food love ran down my face.
Yesterday was Therapy Day.
Therapy Day usually includes a full eight hours of sleep, a cup of coffee on the porch, sometimes a homemade breakfast. (Mine did.) It can include lounging on a pool float and getting slightly crispy with some friends. (Mine did.) It may include evening drinks with the girls or with the guys or with the neighbors. (Mine did.)
And Therapy Day, for me, always includes baking.