The Every Kitchen

Bourbon Roasted Peach Cheesecake

Serious Eats is hands-down my favorite foodie site. When I was in school at NYU, I discovered this great blog by Robyn Lee who was also an NYU student. This was like 8 years ago and she traipsed through the City eating, as you would guess, everything, and letting everyone live vicariously through her via The Girl Who Ate Everything. Eventually, she started working at Serious Eats, which led me to discover their awesomeness and that is how Serious Eats came to be my favorite foodie site. Thank you, Robyn.

All that is to say… at least 50% of my bookmarked recipes are Serious Eats recipes or recipes that Serious Eats has linked to. And this is one of them.

Bourbon Roasted Peach Cheesecake

What I liked: Bourbon, butter, brown sugar. Graham cracker walnut crust. Cream cheese. I had a lot of fun making this — I don’t do cheesecakes that often. I was VERY CAREFUL not to overcook it. It’s so much better when it’s creamy and on the under-done side.

What I did differently: I used Neuftachel cheese, which I know will drive my mom nuts. I just CAN’T bring myself to use the full fat stuff when it tastes the same!!! 

My rating: 3.5/5. I don’t eat cheesecake very often. There’s nothing inherently NOT to like about cheesecake, it just doesn’t do it for me. I also am not a huge fan of cooked peaches. So, if I was feeling cheesecake-y one night, I probably wouldn’t order the peach one. That didn’t stop me from making it of course.

 The BBF’s rating (via text): 3.5. Crust was a 4.5. If it had been chocolate or peanut butter it probably would have been a 5. Let’s put it this way, I wished I had more when I was finished. My mom makes dope Chocolate Chip Cheesecake. (He didn’t say this last bit, but it was on both our minds.)

Bottom line: If you love yourself some cooked peaches, you will also love this. Otherwise, better off with a slice of Chocolate Chip Cheesecake.