Air Fryer Spiced Potato Wedges are the perfect healthy alternative to French fries, with their crispy finish and golden-fried hue.
Roasted Butternut Squash with Tahini and Za’atar
From the cookbook Jerusalem, Roasted Butternut Squash with Tahini and Za’atar is a new staple in my kitchen. You may as well go ahead and double — or triple — this recipe because you won’t be able to put your fork down once you dive in.
Look at me! Blogging away! It has been almost four months since I wrote about Nico and his Ragù alla Bolognese. I know you’re just dying to know the details of where I’ve been and what I’ve been doing, who I’ve seen and who’s seen me. But a lady never tells. Zipped lips.
Butternut Squash Crabmeat Mac & Cheese
I haven’t totally thrown healthy out the window, okay? I know there have been pies and dips and talk of cinnamon rolls. This cold weather + holiday inklings in my heart bring out the comfort food desires.
Comfort food sometimes get a bad rap. But ya know what? Comfort food is always healthy in at least one way — it’s always healthy for the soul. Sitting cozy by the fire, wrapped in a fuzzy blanket, possibly with a dog or cat curled up next to you, and maybe a significant other, reading a book, sharing a big bowl of Butternut Squash Crabmeat Mac & Cheese… Just thinking about it is good for my soul.
Bacon Mushroom Cauliflower Risotto
If my last post was about the best thing I’ve ever made, then this post is about the second best thing I’ve ever made. You’re getting back to back winners and if both of these dishes aren’t on your table sometime in the next month (…Thanksgiving, possibly?), you are m.i.s.s.i.n.g. o.u.t.
Before the food, I’m going to share an embarrassing story because I know that’s what keeps you friends coming back:
Summer Corn and Tomato Salad with Jalapeño-Lemon Feta
Fresh summer corn is probably one of my favorite foods. I know I say that about a lot of foods, but this is true. It’s actually always true… I have a lot of favorite foods! I’m a girl who loves food, what can I say?!
Even not-fresh, always-available corn (i.e. canned corn) has had a special place in my heart for a very long time. When I was still little, but big enough to use the stove, I would heat an entire can of corn, add some butter, and eat the whole thing for supper. I’m a little horrified by that idea now… but I guess it’s okay for a 10-year-old. But seriously, just horrified thinking about it. Where’s the protein? Where’s the calcium or iron or vitamin C? Oy vey… (…rolls eyes at younger self.)
Thyme-Roasted Cauliflower with Horseradish Sauce
Cauliflower is big right now.
I’ve seen:
- Cauliflower Pizza Crust
- Cauliflower mashed “potatoes”
- Cauliflower “Buffalo Wings”
- And my personal favorite: Cauliflower Steaks — like you can substitute a white vegetable for a sirloin. HA HA HA HA. Laugh out loud.
Obviously, I haven’t exactly jumped on the cauliflower bandwagon. Cauliflower just doesn’t excite me in the way that say… scallops, or chocolate chip cookies, or red Thai curry excites me…
Lamb Chops with Pomegranate Gremolata and Carrot Goat Cheese Mash
Remember when I explained that serious professional bloggers celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas months early? Can we now consider me a serious professional blogger because Lamb Chops with Pomegranate Gremolata is my way of celebrating Valentine’s day 2+ weeks early? Please friends? Miss Danielle the Serious Professional. It has a ring to it.
I know you’re all wondering… How is Miss Danielle the Serious Professional celebrating Valentine’s Day in January if she has recently had to re-brand her blog My Bottomless Ex-Boyfriend? How is it that someone who is an ex-girlfriend is celebrating a day of lllloooovvveee before all the other people who are ACTUALLY IN LOVE?
Wasabi Mashed Potatoes
In my last recipe post, I talked about getting Holiday Burnout. Holiday Burnout inevitably leads to post-holiday exhaustion illness.
So immediately after Christmas, I went back to work coughy, sneezy, with a runny nose and head congestion. Which spiraled out of control and became maybe the flu, or maybe just something I ate. But most likely just my body getting its revenge for wreaking havoc on it over the holidays.